Warren Buffett is famous for being incredibly wealthy and giving good advice. One of Buffett’s most famous pieces of advice is commonly referred to as the 2-List Strategy or the 25:5 List Strategy. Let’s dive deeper into how it works for your everyday life.
Lets talk about goal setting: How many goals do you have right now? If you’re honest, you may not have any and that’s okay for now. On the other hand, having 10 goals isn’t an optimal strategy either. This is where Buffett’s idea fits in.
The 25:5 strategy teaches you how to prioritize your goals and focus your energy towards it. So whether you have goals or not this is a great starting place. The process starts off by:
1. Listing the top 25 goals you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime. Take all the time you need to compile a long list of goals. Many of them you’ll know right off the top of your head, but many will require more thought.
● It might take a few days to a week to complete this step. Once you get started, you’ll find that additional ideas pop into your head at random moments. Be sure to capture these.
● Feel free to make the initial list much longer than 25, but ultimately limit yourself to 25.
2. Choosing the five most important. This is a little tougher. Choose the five most important goals from your list of 25 goals. Again, you might need some time to complete this step.
● Imagining that you only had the opportunity to accomplish five goals. Which would you choose? In what order? I recommend using the SMART agenda, here.
3. Creating two lists. Put the five most important goals in one list, and the remaining 20 in another list. Keep both of them handy. Both are useful, just not for the same reasons.
Once you have completed this now you’re ready for actionable results. Remember that
Prioritizing, and then limiting yourself to just five of your chosen goals, ensures that you’re magnifying the effectiveness of your time and energy. Can you ever do any of those 20 items? Yes, but only after the first five have been accomplished.
It’s very important to avoid those other 20 items until you’ve achieved success with the primary five. They can be very appealing ways of wasting your time and energy. The most successful people are focused on a small number of goals. Prioritization and focus are necessary for success.
I hope you have found this blog post helpful for prioritizing and focusing on your goals more each day. Be sure to subscribe to latteresumeconsulting.com to get more helpful content towards your purpose in life.
